Home » Transport Industry Spill Control and Environmental Compliance
Transport industry spill control and environmental compliance sees many innovations over the years. Since transport faces many unique environmental challenges Chatoyer offers a range of products to assist with compliance. With constant vehicle traffic and hydraulic equipment used in operations, there is a potential risk for spills of hazardous substances to end up in the stormwater system or other environmentally sensitive areas. The areas where trucks and other vehicles are refueling and stored for long term parking requires consideration of spill risks.
We recommend a range of spill response and stormwater protection solutions to ensure your organisation protects the environment.
To assist your environmental efforts, we have compiled a list of potential risks facing organisations within your industry and corresponding product solutions and other related material to help you protect your environment.
On board spill kits for trucks and equipment.
Cateogory: Spill Control
Spills from trucks, generators or other hydraulic equipment require immediate remediation to ensure any hazardous substances do not enter near-by stormwater drain pits or pollute environmentally sensitive areas. Therefore, it is important that organisations are prepared to effectively respond to any spill incident.
Cateogory: Spill Control
Any spills that enter the stormwater system and pollute the waterways can result in immediate fines to the company and it’s staff. As a result, our stormwater solutions ensure any hazardous substances or debris is captured or contained at the source to protect your stormwater system.
Contaminants from washing vehicles must not enter the stormwater system or pollute environmentally sensitive areas. Therefore, we recommend you wash your vehicle on a suitable wash mat to contain the contaminated water at the source for proper disposal or reuse.
Anywhere there are refueling activities there is a risk of oil and fuel spills. Besides being able to clean up the spills, check for bunding to ensure spills won’t migrate away to harm the environment or cause pollution.
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