
Aluminium Floor Bunding

Chatoyer Aluminium Floor Bunding installed for spill containment in truck terminal

Aluminium floor bunding is a unique product combining both a functional material and design. It allows for an easy retrofit of permanent floor bunding that suits a majority of industrial applications indoors or out.

The marine grade extruded aluminium delivers a solid and robust bund which can withstand high-frequency traffic over a long period of time. The 30mm height provides bunding capacity while the profile allows forklifts to easily pass over without compromising the vehicle’s clearance.

A Permanent Floor Bund Solution

The product is suitable for applications where heavy industrial and commercial vehicles operate (forklifts, Class 2 RAV B Doubles, or similar). Factors that need to be taken into account when determining the load application are:

  • Integrity and stability of the base or ground material that the bund is being affixed to.
  • Where this material withstands the current load of transport vehicles, then the bund will perform equivalently.
  • The gross load of any vehicle is spread evenly over the axles and wheels of the vehicle.
  • The vehicle should not be travelling faster than 10km/h.
  • The bund must be installed in accordance with the Installation Instructions and preferably through a qualified installer.


  • Industrial areas with heavy duty machinery
  • High frequency traffic areas
  • Class 3 Flammable liquid storage areas
  • Warehouses, doorways and access points
  • Wash bays Aluminium Floor Bunding for wash bay

Long Lasting

Aluminium Floor Bunding offers similar longevity as concrete bunds but at a fraction of the price. It is primarily designed to be highly trafficable. Unlike some other bund designs, where the momentum of the vehicle pushes the bund sideways before it passes over it, this bund has a shallow curve design helping the vehicle move effortlessly over the bund. This ease provides extra longevity to the bund as bolts and sealant are not placed under stress. Grooves are scalloped into the top surface of the bund for additional tyre grip. 


The use of aluminium makes this floor bund ideal for flammable liquid containment as it non-magnetic, non-sparking and is fire resistant. This requirement is stated in the Australian Standard 1940-2004 as per the below:

A spillage containment compound shall be sufficiently impervious to retain spillage and to enable recovery of any such spillage. The compound shall be chemically resistant and fire resistant as far as is necessary to fulfil its locations.

Chatoyer Aluminium Floor Bunding full length predrilled


Aluminium Floor Bunding can be powder coated to create an extremely tough, heavy duty high visibility option required by some workplaces.

how to install aluminium floor bunding

Before purchasing floor bunding ensure you check ground clearance of forklifts. Installation is straightforward. The process requires minimal experience.

  • Ensure the surface under the floor bunding is appropriate
  • Clean the surface so it’s free of anything that could affect adhesion
  • Layout your bunding to determine you have enough materials
  • Cut lengths as required to custom fit your layout
  • Layout the bunding using a chalk line and leave a 2-3mm gap in between lengths (for expansion)
  • Pre-drill holes for the concrete fasteners
  • Vacuum away the dust
  • (optional) Apply adhesive sealant to the bottom of the floor bunding and adhere to ground surface
  • Insert the concrete screws
  • Once the lengths are installed, run a bead of adhesive sealant along both sides where it meets the ground and in the gap between the lengths
  • Allow the adhesive to cure before using the bunding

Aluminium Floor Bund


Product Information
Length: 1.2m
Width: 184mm
Height: 30mm
Weight: 7kg
4 Screw Anchors

Sikaflex 11FC Grey 310ml


Product Information
Adhesive sealant


Hi Vis Yellow Powder Coating


Product Information
Minimum of 15 lengths per order.

Straight or 45 Mitre Cut


Product Information
(Outside of these angles, additional charges will apply)

Drawings to be provided by client before cutting.


Australian Made. specialised fabrication.

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