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spill response liquid containment and silt curtains for dredging and ports

Silt Curtains for dredging are important in some operations to control the effects of turbidity during activities. Operators must also be prepared for spill response and the safe storage of liquids onshore and on barges and be ready and able to clean up any spills immediately.

Spill response for Ports is a very important concern. With constant vehicle traffic and hydraulic equipment used in stevedore operations, there is a potential risk for spills of hazardous substances to end up in the waterway or stormwater system.

The Ports & Dredging industries are dynamic and environmentally challenging industries facing many potential control, containment and spill clean up requirements. We recommend a range of spill response, stormwater protection, sediment control and containment solutions to ensure your organisation is prepared to manage liquids and sediment contamination on land and in waterways during Port and Dredging activities..

To assist your environmental efforts, we have compiled a list of potential risks and corresponding product solutions. Please click on a question relevant to your organisation for more information.


Do you conduct dredging operations in aquatic systems?

Chatoyer Solution

Dredging and excavation operations causes large quantities of silt and sediment to be disrupted in marine environments. This could potentially release contaminants into environmentally sensitive regions of the aquatic system.

Vessels may be carrying stored volumes of fuel, lubricants and oil and should therefore be equipped with suitable spill kits and appropriate storage to contain spilled hazardous liquids.

This situation is a great example of a time where construction site sediment and spill control and containment are required

Category : Silt and Sediment Control

Category: Spill Control

Do you conduct earth moving or excavation operations?

Chatoyer Solution

During construction operations such as earth moving and excavation, there is a potential risk for silt and sediment to leave the site and migrate to environmentally sensitive areas or run off into the stormwater drain. If excavating in or along side a waterway, turbidity in the waterway will need to be addressed. Here are some construction site sediment control products to assist with environmental compliance during your project.

Category : Silt and Sediment Control

Do you store hazardous substances in your workshop?

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